Friday, April 22, 2011

Schematic Diagram Of 24 V Car Charger

Carolina falls

Título: Carolina se enamora

Título original: Amore 14

Autor: Federico Moccia

Editorial: Planeta Internacional

Encuadernación: Rústica con solapas

Number of pages: 544

Release Date: January 25, 2011

ISBN: 9788408098904

Price: € 18.50

Carolina is a girl like the others: you do more things that their parents will allow their weekly pay was never enough for all that you like, you want a bike to move around freely and have a head full of ideas that will never match those of adults.

Cheerful and optimistic, his life revolves around her friends, with which it shares the days and dreams, school, exams, festivals and family. Soon will come the first kisses, stolen in the shadows of the portal, the music always sounds at the right time and whose words always seem to tell their story. What about love? What is true love? When Massimiliano know it seems that the question will be answered at last, but what Carolina does not know is that love can also do much damage and is not prepared for what will happen ...

Carolina is a dreamy girl, not fully aware of the reality in which we live, a reality full of facilities. I think the opinion is Moccia about the world of a fourteen years Carolina ( they did not even have that age at the beginning of the work ) is too opulent. Yes, overrated and exageradísima. Both class responsibility, traveling to another city at midnight and excuses to your parents telling them to go to bed at a friend's house ... From the first moment I got the impression that Moccia picked a few aspects of the routine features a quinceanera and the enlarged into a story .

But this unreal world, not at all typical of characters in such ages, not only captures Carolina. Also the protagonist's friends are dressed teenagers adults, and not in any scene I have come to like, not even a little.

Carolina is a girl of thirteen years for no apparent reason to lie about his age and has a hectic social life Lady Gaga. Yes sir. I try to think that what is sought Moccia gigantic teenage world today, because if I do ... I do not understand .

Moccia pointed my weakness and has demolished. Nooo . The best friends , by calling in some way. What kind of personasquesiempreestáahíparati are these? Aggg, give me a headache. Alis and Clod , these two girls that were it not for Carolina would take to kill. Repellents , of \u200b\u200bcourse. Alis : cock shot that seems to wish the worst for others, not excluding that group to your friends. Clod : insatiable binge ... it depends on the whole damn time somebody! All the characters seemed to take written on their foreheads: " Hi, I'm a cliche! " And they were too predictable, as they have achieved The hate deeply.

- Maybe next year we will be here with our boyfriends and she will be alone again ...
- Yeah ... Maybe, but maybe we are all three ... with three guys!
Alison looks at me strangely and shrugs.
- Yes, of course.
And I it is strange that no one thought of that possibility.

However, not all things will be bad. falls in Carolina, Moccia is passed to the first person, and not given anything wrong. The thoughts of the protagonist at least adapt to their age and, like any good teen raves A . Extends absolutely everyday topics such as the simple act of eating chocolates, and becomes something to ponder. One thing that was Notably, it is one of the few things to note that, for me, has the novel. There you have it .

The pace of the novel is enjoyable and fun. That yes, that cost me a lot not stand up, throw the book aside and put his eyes, but this novel is really entertaining. The catch can hang out. Yes, careful if looking for something that catches you , not going to find here. Ie Carolina falls tells a normal life of a person normal. I I was wanting to know what happened on Saturday at this event because Moccia did not prepare me for this. I know, if it had been releasing details on the way ... because the best!

course, falls Carolina is 100% Moccia. Does it change anything? Yes, being in first person that something did change, but can still distinguish the Italian author's pen in its pages. I never tire of repeating that I love how you write this guy and where to look you, this saves huge detail Carolina be a disaster all.

* Thanks to Planet of the copy *









Final Note:

Meet the author:

Federico Moccia was born in Rome in 1963. He has worked as a designer in film and television as a writer. He is the author of right if I call you love , A three meters above or ciel , I have wanted you and but I want to marry you right . They all made the film version and some have already been released in Spain .

More Information:
Official Blog Enamora Carolina


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