Sunday, April 24, 2011

Phil Harris Married To

Sundays Novice (X): Light Eclipsed

original section of Beyond Words
How's that side of the screen ones? After several weeks without posting any interview, we return to the fray with a wonderful writer novel that you can not miss . We regret having taken so long to publish it, but there were a few problems with the mail and we had to wait. However, another Sunday again, a new interview. We note that to participate, you only have to send a message with the subject Sundays Novice to and we'll do the rest.

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Well, now, I present to Eclipsed Light, the blog The Literary Forest . To recommend, I recommend that you bear an opportunity, because it is magnificent. Within interview.

What prompted you to write?
From very little I liked to read stories. I've always dreamed of making a fantasy story that had just published in an editorial. I remain hopeful that one day this happens.

Where do you usually write?
usually write at home, or even in high school. Whenever new ideas come to me when I do scan the environment, and noticing the little things that not everybody sees.

Have a hobby at the time of writing?
When I write, I have to do with a blue Bic pen. Do not use any other pen.

What do you usually look for inspiration?
everywhere. I write when inspiration comes, I do not usually look. Sometimes I'm walking down the street and see a leaf fall and I can think of a story, sometimes when I'm reading a story, an idea comes to me and maybe it has nothing to do with what I was reading, but so.

How long have you write?
I think I've written ever since. Two years ago when I started using a notebook with all my stories and poems, and fairly recently was when I began to ask critical. Some were good, some not, but they all taught me something.

Do you let someone you know read your writing? Yes
before they are taught to almost everyone, now just showed it to a close friend and my grandfather. They are both wonderful people who always advised me and make me constantly improve. They are a good support, I could not ask for anything better.

When started writing will always find a large number of obstacles. In your case, what has been the greatest difficulty you have faced when writing a story?
Lack of time, ever happened to me I have a good idea to write a story but for whatever reason, I can not write at that moment, and if not write, I forget at the end and I can not to remember. There is also the inspiration. Once, long ago, I started a story with several chapters on the Internet that was well received, but did not know the sixth chapter continue. I had to apologize to all who followed my story and leave it halfway. I still blame myself same.

Who is the person or people who support you the most when writing?
A friend and my grandfather, as I have explained.

About what you like or you find it easier to write?
The nature and emotions. I feel very close to nature, and I find it a great comfort, and for me it is easy to describe that feeling. Also often write about emotions, especially when I have one on the spot.

Would you like to dedicate to writing in a "professional" in the future?
I keep writing, but not professionally. I am realistic and know it is very difficult (almost impossible) to live what you write. So leave the writing is secondary.

What is your favorite book? Why?
is difficult to opt for only one, but I will tell the saga of "Chronicles Emerged World," by Licia Troisi. It was a saga that I read long ago, but I still like it a lot and read very often. There are three amazing books. Which one better. I like it because it tells how the story changes Nihal, a medioelfo from Salazar quiet life until he becomes a mighty warrior. The author describes the landscape, the characters and their emotions in a way that almost seem to see it. It is a saga that I recommend to everyone.

Do you have a "trick" that has served you when writing?
I think that writing there are no tricks that are worth. All you have are willing to learn, a great devotion to books and a prodigious imagination.

What do you think? Have you left wanting more? You can test the pen devouring Light Eclipsed lines Thief, one of his best stories . We hope you have fun;) Until next Sunday!



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