Saturday, April 16, 2011

How To Attract Scorpio Man

Beleth Tales III: The verses of fate, Javier Ruescas

  • Title: Beleth Tales III: The Verses of Doom
  • Author: Javier Ruescas
  • Editorial: Versatile
  • ISBN: 9788492929405
The war is about to unfold on the continent. The kingdoms of South are allied under the direction of Dimitri, who threatens to raise an army and take their unprecedented long-awaited revenge. Adhárel as the Muses augured, he composed poetry that could change the fate of all. Meanwhile, the North, she Lysell prepares to find out who is confronting his past and assume their role in a world full of traps, hazards and challenges.








Final Note:

Personal Review:
I started the book at a bad time, was on exams and could not read, so I was going in dribs and drabs and haltingly. It was horrible not being able to enjoy it as it deserves. But what's really worth -end- suddenly I could read on the subway while he went to Madrid for the presentation of the book. Bottom line? By going to stumble and I know I missed I'll have to read it to me again to find me.

As in the past, the principle is a bit slow, but towards the middle of everything becomes more interesting and emotional. At the end, you meet a few emotions at once, sadness, happiness, joy, anger, hatred ... If you can overcome each and every one of them will seize a extreme sadness you feel when you get to say goodbye to characters that you have dreamed for a couple of years.

characters already are the same as ever, but they become more mature and responsible because of the problems they face. The new new is not very important, so much and do not develop there is a special character which appeared in the second but that was not given much importance. BINGO. Lysell -Eis- not, the girl with the hair of old, which is on the cover of the book. Is a character who, personally, do not tell me anything. He has attracted more attention Vekk, his friend, than herself. If children become sentomentalistas that while in the first book I drew attention, in the latter I have fallen in love. Who would not succumb to their tricks for teens? And Sírgeric ... Woe to Sírgeric that love me, love me, which is a crack. AMO to Sírgeric and jokes in tense moments. Nobody realizes that the apple shine!

The ending is horrible. Do not get me wrong, it's horrible how perfect is how I explain? not, I know is sooo perfect absolutely hate it. You can not do that ! The best time : war and the last chapter, no doubt. I love reading the development of a war, when both sides clash ... Is not it wonderful?

now proceed to the least like, compared with its previous -in all aspects-. About the characters, have greatly improved, more mature , less perfect, more real ... The clearest example: ADHÁREL . Where has been the perfect prince has given way to a paranoid king, consumed and enormérrima load on your back? What about Dune? Where is the rebel and nonconformist girl is now the star of his own fairy tale? Yes, dear ones, and the princes, queens, actors, good etc. perfect. All have their flaws that make them human.

Speaking now of the issue. In my opinion not very good to say. Leaving aside minor typos corrected already ... What happened to the paper? I do not like. Personally I get very nervous when I read my book and now resembles a rutted field has undulations! Since the price is the same also might have kept the quality of the paper. And the cover ... The drawing is beautiful, the forest Lysell Lue, but .... What about the red band cover makes it look a card for Christmas? I'll stick with the first cover.

development. I've said before that always at first get a little heavy and will lighten as you go. The reason I do not know exactly, but I ascribe to that there is much to tell, put in a position, get into the role ... and that, like it or not, it is difficult to do without boring. And, as always, the final more than offset, as I said before. As Javier said in the presentation, the book is a continuous strand, begins with ends separated to be together and apart and end all the threads come together and one is loose because if it had to end the life cut of all the characters. This book is the end of the braid-braid very nice and well done, incidentally, and as they say, the finish is the most important .

I have nothing more to say what more can you say when you finish a trilogy that has you in love?

In Tales of Beleth III arrived at the expected outcome of the saga that we have been waiting so long. It comes loaded with lots of dreams and hopes for many of us. But what will live up to expectations?

Well, I'll give you the answer first of all, the answer is yes, he has been short of expectations, if you want to know why read on:

After the end of The Curse of the Muses came many questions in our heads and many loose ends waiting to be tied. Well I am very pleased with the end of the series because every one of the loose ends have been solved, since the characters who forgot to finish the second book to those who left their mark on our hearts.

is a book that I liked it as a book that closes the series, plus we have more variety than the previous two, has a bit of love, action, magic, different characters. But above all one of the things I have always liked the series has been the essence of fairy tale that distils at each of its pages, making us remember our childhood and the stories they told us mom, dad or grandparents before going to sleep. And that I liked, that capacity has been Javier Ruescas to catch the essence of fairy tales and turn it into his own story in their own characters have managed to conquer.

A point in favor of the previous book was to have taken magic (sentomentalomancia in this case), that magic that was missing in the second book, which has become more forces in this issue. Besides all that has a realistic touch, is a story in which not everything is good, our characters also spend hard time not just as bad. Also discovered the lights and shadows of the characters, the good is not as good and bad are not so bad. Since then the prose of this book was quite enjoyable because we could change a lot of character who narrates the action and context in which it moves, the characters and the book always better, are all very original.

The book takes a while to start while we are placed after the time that has passed since the end of the second book and is gathering strength as we move up to the end, I have to clarify that was the best of the entire book. And I have little more to add that the end was really great read, so has been the best score and not nothing like ending disappointed me, is just as I would have liked it to be. I could not have been better finish. And if I have to report a bug say that sometimes the book I found it unrealistic, either by comments by a character or the relationship between them. And a small note to the edition of the book: I do not like changing leaves, the quality is much worse and the book it costs the same, would be nice to return the previous role.

I think I've said it all, you know, if you have not read the trilogy grab it, is essential.


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