Saturday, April 2, 2011

Critcal Stages Of Emphsyma

Competition And they lived happily ever interviewed Javier

A very few days to be put on sale Beleth III Tales we continue celebrating, and in style, yes señor.Y is Fantabulous we have organized a contest for one of you has the opportunity to take a copy of the final book in the saga to house;).


  • For department participated, is MUST be a follower of the blog.
  • The competition is at the level national, ie only for Spain . There
  • a winner.
  • Mails are sent to with the issue of Competition And they lived happily ever .
  • The mail must include the Url Nick and blogger profile.
  • The contest starts today and runs through April 10 at 23:59 and puntísimo. From that date, the mail received will be invalid for failure.

But ... what to do?

Imagining the end of Tales of Beleth and tell us, so you have to do is write a story fifteen lines and three sides of Word in which we narrate how you think that completes the trilogy. You decide if Beleth protagonists live happily ever after ... or not.

This time no extra points, so the story that we like is the one to take the prize. Please note that we will find something that catches your eye, O r i G i n A l different, EXPLOSIVE , or follow the line of books and think it is the most suitable for the final. From here we value the work and effort of your writings.

What if I have not read the first two books?
No problem. Instead of writing the final ... have to write the first! We miss you a hand with these data, the rest Leave it to your imagination:

Adhárel :
Crown Prince Dimitri : Brother of Crown Prince. Duna
: Campesina
Cinthia: Friend of peasant
Dragon: He wanders around the kingdom for the night.

spread is appreciated, and in case of a tie between accounts, that little thing called advertising can help. So if you announce the contest, either in your blog or any social network, or you take the banner and let us know what we aim!

"The animals?


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