Friday, April 1, 2011

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I think all self-respecting blogger who has ever heard of this writer. What does not? The author of Tempus Fugit ! Okay, read carefully. It is the administrator the first official website in Spain twilight, which was created long before something hiciese PUM and Catherine occurred to him to make a film in the series. Are you still there? Perfect! And, we can also find Ruescas and his love of pages in the online literary magazine The Temple of a Thousand Doors , which is a reporter And models ( emm, that word does not appear in the RAE , but I swear that I heard most often around .) In 2010 was awarded the Youth Literature III issued by the Book Fair of Madrid Western Sierra. Hey! You deserve it ^ ^

In my opinion, Javier Ruescas is a role model, yes, it's like you who are reading this here and now, a fan of blogs, web pages, what we're doing in general. Represents the hopes of a frustrated writer. If he could, all we can, and although Beleth already swarming around the world and its final expected to be brought to light, everything just had a beginning. So, who knows, maybe one day you discover you're the one story that show, just go ahead and, above all, do not ever give up .

Thank from Javier here. It was a pleasure;)
Now, yes, and n t r and v s i t to .

First of all we want to thank you for answering this interview encouraged so few days of leaving the outcome of the saga.

Thank you for all your support, by the illusion that you show and the Tales Thematic Week Bereth . I ilusionadísimo with it, lol ...

Having closed the trilogy of tales Beleth you open a world of possibilities and perhaps a more clear and close dedicated to writing. You are about to finish writing your new project, with four books behind you how do you see the publication by a publisher for this project? Are you already thinking about what you are going to write next?

never be trusted, but you are right that every time I see the nearest future in which, hopefully, to dedicate myself exclusively to my passion: writing. I am currently correcting this new novel (and I'm done!) And then begin to move by publishers. I do not like to speak too soon, so wait to have some insurance before claiming victory.

Regarding the second question ... Yes! I'm working on the next project: a series more children and youth of various titles. In the mean time I cast a tale of zombies who have asked me for an anthology and I have already outlined to begin next week. Lying if I said that I have really wanted to prove in this genre so different, I think it'll pass, hehe ...

How has your life changed since the day I learned that you were going to publish Moon Enchantment today?

radically. A part of that life changes a lot in 2 years, post or not, I learned a lot about publishing and writing, I met a lot of interesting people and I have traveled three times what had gone before. Right now I wake up and think only one thing: write, write and write.

what you usually find inspiration?

Movies, books, music, real life ... I always go with the watch to take all possible ideas. Sometimes I do not know why I serve something up last month. Always carry a notebook and a pen top.

Where do you get the names of your characters?

The truth is that even I know. Some come with them and show me directly, others are temporary names for months until I decide to change, others take them out of movies or books ... or songs. In this self that I have no specific formula.
What Beleth Tales character represents you psychologically? "This identification is done on purpose?

Adhárel I believe that, but not because he is the hero or prince, but because sometimes it is too good and will stir up everywhere, haha \u200b\u200b... I think I've been learning and evolving at the same time as him in those two years. I am right in thinking we'd be good friends.

Do you notice an improvement in the way of writing since you started posting to now?

Man, like all art, the more you practice, the better sale. I still have a lot to learn, of course, but at least now I can easily notice that both face the blank page and it's easier flow of ideas.

In your book you talk about muses that govern the fate of your characters, what if someone opinarías govern your destiny?

Phew, I would be very bad temper. Tales both as Tempus Fugit Beleth talk about this need to control our future and take them out with courage. If you really have somebody or something that controls my destiny, I'd rather not know because I go crazy, haha \u200b\u200b...

What we find in Tales of Beleth 3? Can you anticipate a small excerpt from the book to make us hungry?
Much of it! Many more references to fairy tales, much love, many more characters, quests, battles and dangers. Know the other realms that are only mentioned in the previous books, will be resolved secrets of the past and discover a lot of new sentomentalistas powers. As for what you're asking me, as it hung the first full chapter of the book, I'll forward what will be the appointment of story that opens this third novel

had hardly touched the spindle is turned
spell and stuck by him in the finger. At the very moment
when he felt fell back on the bed that had
and fell into a deep sleep;
and sleep have dominion over the whole palace.

Brothers Grimm, Sleeping Beauty

Thanks again. We want to wish you luck in your career, the end of the day you Javier Ruescas, the young revelation of children's literature.

Many thanks to you. We will do what we can, lol ..

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See you there


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