Monday, April 25, 2011

Can A Clinic Perscribe Birth Control ?

Comic XVI Avilés Days 04 - Two authors confirmed Firms and Presentations


We will be revealing the list of guests of the Days of Comic Avilés and in addition to those already disclosed to date: Americans Jason Aaron, Brandon Peterson and Tony Harris , French Emile Bravo and national authors Joan Boix, Angel Unzueta , Albert Monteys and Juan Jose RYP .

addition, tip, make public one of our exhibitions. But hey, let's start ...

The Brazilian author has achieved a huge level of popularity thanks to his work on the American Vampire series scripted by Scott Snyder and, in the first arc of Stephen King . But the first steps of his interesting career took him away, when after working in the advertising market began working in comics for the Egyptian market. Shortly after, in the USA, published in Image with writer Felipe Ferreira Crimeland series and later in Boom! Dark Horse Studios and was responsible for the graphical part of several series, always with writers, among which Jeremiah Harm or 24 Seven (later anthology Eisner-nominated). Later, in DC Comics, took charge of the Blue Beetle series as we saw in Spain to begin shortly after the aforementioned American Vampire in which still continues, without missing time for other projects such as Urban World for Oni Press. Now has exclusive contract with DC Comics.

The next author, which we also have an impressive exhibition is ...

The Serbian author briefly visited us last year not to miss his talk at Avilés, despite how much it will complicate the delivery dates, an effort that we do not know how to thank. Guera began as a star of the comic series by Yugoslav Elmer Jones who drew on scripts and Dragan Savic who was passing the western genre as well as some other work for this market. The European market was suitable, with the completion of the series drawing of Mars Le Lievre written by Patrick Cothi , conducting more than 90 covers in Spain for the novice Coyote of Joseph Mallo and the Current performance of the graphics of one of the most exciting and acclaimed series of the American market, specifically Scalped, with scripts from writer Jason Aaron also invited this year in Avilés, published in Vertigo DC. About

work Guera build an exhibition, to be sure, will delight visitors of the conference thanks to varied and the brilliance of his work.

Well, a couple of weeks I will reveal the names of other authors confirmed at Comic Days Avilés. Stay tuned!


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