Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How Do You Get A Eleclerc Sim Card In Store

ANNIVERSARY quiz show! We met a year and we celebrated in style! Laura Gallego

been a year since we opened the doors of Beyond Words . A year ago, this was a project, something newly opened, half-formed. We were still very inexperienced in this whole subject, we came here with good intentions and very little knowledge, pursuing a dream, an illusion. We struggled to form the Beyond Words you see today, has been growing everyday, with our small contributions, with those codes of affiliation that cost us so much to form, with those tabs that did not understand at first, with our inexperienced entries have been improving day by day.

Do you remember this header?
Today, when I visit him in May the blog, and read everything that we published, I smile. I smile because I've changed, I and the rest, we changed, we have matured, we've grown, we have FRIENDS, we have strengthened our friendships, we had a good time, we spent some not so good, we had our bumps and situations where everything went smoothly. But above all, when I see these entries, I remember what fun we've been forming throughout the world, and I say world, because thanks to you are: followers 259, 310 entries , 69 of which are reviews , and 941 your comments, readers.
And I'm smiling, because we have fulfilled our dream, and still meet every day, today entered into Beyond Words and I work, friendship and literature. And from here we want to thank all those who entered it once and never return, to those you visit us every day, those who read us but we comentaís, all you have publishers interested in us, comentaís those we all entries you read, all those who Beyond Words made you smile once in your life, those who have been helpful to you this corner at some point in your life. To those who were, are and will be with us. To all of you THANK . Because only thanks to you this world has been formed, and thus our dream.

Sóis many who have been here, and I can not thank you personally to each one of you, so I bring a small way to thank you for everything you have done for us:


Beautiful Lot Beautiful Creatures + Hermosa Dark

Lot Love: Songs for Paula + You know I love you?

Lot Potpourri: The Secret of Little Red Riding Hood Predestined + + The Creature of the Night .

Lot Dreamers: Delirium + Yes No Awake

Lot Time: Ruby Sapphire +
Lot Watched: + Together Grapefruit and Lemon

Have you seen
images? So that's what you can earn. Yes, but now it crappy: you have to do to get the prize.


  • The competition is national. not have the budget to send it across Spain ...
This is not a drawing contest , here is what wins the Curra, so we asked a bit of collaboration and participation on your part, no matter what we want the last time that we too hard to organize things. And how is that job? Chan, chán chán LEVELS AND TESTING THERE!

Explanation: The contest is divided into four levels, each level has a theme, and is divided into four tests and each test is to get points, the maximum points in each test is 50 . These points will be needed to reach the next level (as the weeks go past the difficulty and increase the number of points needed to reach the next level) and, therefore, to win the contest. Each week brought to light a new level, however do not have one week to solve each level , ie a level but is released every week you have until the last day of competition (which we will say at the end of entry) to send all the evidence. I think you're going to see better with the explanation of the test. Here it goes:


Test Number 1: Identify the scenes

"What is ? Easy: We're going to leave you here some pictures of scenes from a movie and / or book-based series and you have to guess what movie and / or series is. You can ask cousins, siblings, friends, dogs, hamsters ... What you can think of! Below each image we put the scene number that you may be easier to write the mail.

Scene No. 1
Scene No. 2

Scene No. 3

Scene No. 4

Scene N º 5

Scene No. 6
Scene No. 7

Scene No. 8

Scene N º 9

Scene N º 10
Y to a point scene successful ... You can get ten points in total . Right?

Test # 2: Answer the questions
What questions? These questions
  1. How does the place where the trilogy was filmed Lord of the rings with his director?
  2. What actress plays Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter films, and why?
  3. What famous actress played a version of Amy in Little Women?
  4. What Roald Dahl felt the film adaptation of director Tim Charlie Burton of his book in the Chocolate Factory?
  5. What part of the film adaptation of the famous Twilight Saga out his writing?
  6. How many players has been interpreted Bastian Baltasar Bax over time?
  7. Who was the writer along all Harry Potter movies?
  8. "By whom was so criticized the adaptation of The Golden Compass?
  9. Did
    box office success in the Princess Bride?
  10. What is the biggest difference between the character of Alice, Alice in Wonderland cartoon and the actors from Tim Burton?
easy! Right? No? But if Google San all the answers! But his cousin Wikipedia is always there to lend a helping hand. Come on, two points for correct answer, you can get twenty points with this test! Got it? Then proceed to the next test.

Competition number 3: The Pursuit and Capture the phrase

This is proof that we like. You only need to have on hand or similar Megavideo. What have you done? We give you minutes of movies and you have to tell us what words are the words you are saying in the movies. Let me explain: FILM AS, MIN 16:05 to 16:07, you're going to Megavideo , put that movie, you go to 05 minutes 16 seconds and listen carefully what they say in that time period. They say tralarí tralara? For the phrase we seek is Tralarí tralara. Of course this is not the sentence is just one example. Here you have the data you need, the pieces are in place and may have been cast loose a little word there, when you have the phrase and see that something does not make sense ... is that either missing or left over.

MOVIE: Labyrinth. MINUTE: 1:28:01
MOVIE: The Pagemaster. MINUTES: 14:21 to 14:22
In between put a word that you also get: "NO"
MOVIE: Beauty and the Beast 2: Enchanted Christmas MINUTES: 11:49 to 11:52, 11:55 to 11:56 ; 11:58 to 12:01.

Why film in the last several minutes? Because in that movie say several things about the phrase that we, each color is a sentence fragment. Go for it! If you can find the phrase other give you ten points . You are forty! And there is still a little more proof. The best.

Test Number 4: Beyond Words

is the anniversary of Beyond Words and therefore must be something special for the occasion right? Our little tribute to the blog is: in all test levels will be dedicated to Beyond Words . Of this level is super easy, is a question that, if you've been a fan of the blog to know:

What nickname was Gregory Goyle an entry in this blog?
Hint: Month theme .

If you hit: ten points you take.

too much information at once, right? recap now that we have explain everything. The steps you need to follow:
  1. Being a follower of the blog. Already? For the next step.
  2. Read this post carefully, you might skip something.
  3. you proof that you can.
  4. Once you have all done you have to send an email to:

Wait, do not send it yet!

one thing left to explain: you have to send a test mail and message subject have to put your nickname and number level (if first: LEVEL 1, if the second, Level 2 and so on) . Here's an e-model with everything you have to write:

Already you have it? Okay, the next test will come out the Tuesday May 10, 2011 though you have until the Thursday June 2, 2011 to send all the evidence. My advice? Do not let all the last day because if not ... By the way, I forgot: to move to Level 2 Number you must have a minimum 20 points at this level.

Prizes, awards: has the most points at the end of four rounds wins the item he chooses, the second most points is the second choice and so on until the six lots with owner. "In case of a tie? Random.org decide. When we have all the evidence points all together we will get back to the six winners order when we answer the first will send the mail to the second and so on.

I know that at first glance seems easy, but it is, follow the guidelines and if you have questions please send an email to: aniversariomasallapalabras@gmail.com the matter and I Duda resolve them happy .

"Diffusion ? Would be greatly appreciated here any dissemination of the competition. So whether or s wear the banner and proclaim the contest avisadnos .

Before closing, we thank them for their collaboration:
And now we do, we ask for your cooperation and participation. Many congratulations to the blog and look forward to another year with you.

Hermochi , Ithilwen , Aileen and Sawako , Staff Beyond Words.


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