Monday, May 2, 2011

Got Lazy Eye Can Join The Army

Football "or parody?

In recent weeks We have had the joy and luck to attend a difficult thing to see and repeat, four almost consecutive games between two top teams Spain and the world, Real Madrid and FC Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbut unfortunately some do not have enjoyed all we could expect from these events, for various reasons outside of football, we have witnessed.

In my humble opinion, the main culprit of this situation is Mr. Mourinho, and I say this categorically.

Portuguese is for me, one of the best coaches in the world, if not the best, your resume will endorse, but its high ego makes him believe it too much and this will play tricks. Wherever it has been left no one indifferent, arrogant and provocative, do not hesitate to attack anyone who is put in front, often saying things that even he thinks certainly, but looking to her words to create certain situations or reactions.

Curiosa is your relationship with FC Barcelona after spending some years working as an assistant club some technical or coach, from his time at Chelsea began to show some antipathy or obsession by the Catalan .

is a very intelligent coach who always plays the same style when faced with Barca, who thought as ideal for defeating his rival, and a way play totally respectable. Not all teams have to go for touch football and possession that makes Barcelona or the English, some do not have the strength to do so and others although they prefer to play otherwise, and I repeat, completely respectable , as it is still football.

What is not so respectable, is the limit of regulation play, not play more to defend than to attack, so to speak, you have to play hard, make loud inputs, stomp the opponent when the referee is not looking , and other tricks that seek to play dirty or mess up your opponent, and that's something I've recognized in all Mourinho led teams, at least, when they have to face Barcelona. Nor do I think fair play, where players pretend to attack or be thrown to the ground trying to deceive the referee, but it can not be a hypocrite and criticize something you do your own players, or players of any team also used for some years. I seem right to punish, but from the very beginning and all the players, not when some or others interests.

But Mourinho also knows how to use the perfect words in press conferences. Everyone knows their continuous bursts of arrogance and cockiness when he won his precious titles, on several occasions showing that knows how to win, and lose time shows that does not know, when almost always instead of acknowledging their own mistakes, try to divert attention from everyone criticizing the officials, who favor and hurt all equipment, and perhaps Madrid and Barca are the least they should complain in this matter ...

This year, I imagine that the result of a deep personal frustration, I think it has exceeded its own limits, and allowed the luxury of belittling the titles won by a rival, of course, FC Barcelona, \u200b\u200bsaid after the semi-final first leg at the Bernabeu, he would win the Champions disgust Barcelona won the League two seasons ago, after the scandal arbitration Stamford Bridge, or if I win this, would be marked by the expulsion of Pepe injustísima.

But of course, Mr Mourinho has a very selective memory and remember well when the arbitrators have hurt, but never when they have erred in their favor, as happens to all teams. The worst for me in this situation, not that Mourinho release these atrocities through his mouth, because the Portuguese have always been, and the person who has sat on the bench for Real Madrid I knew, the worst for me is that a big club and with that story, defended his coach even when he disparaged in this way to a rival. I think the coach is not one to make a statement of such gravity when representing a club like Real Madrid, like it was the coach of FC Barcelona, \u200b\u200bManchester United, Liverpool, etc, what happens is that this also club deserves leaders who can stop him in time, and instead, does not support them.

I do not think it's the only one who thinks that if all these things would have made Valdano, Pellegrini, Schuster and Del Bosque, for example, because they have ceased, but it seems that those who command in the club, have an obsession to win at all costs, passing over anyone, and leaving the image of the institution to match it.

Of course not all the blame for this circus that has been mounted around these parts is only in Portuguese, but for me is to blame, so is the one who has been where you are, so are that fall into their trap and provocations, and will continue to play videos answering answering or taking other equally stupid or unworthy of teams with so much history.

For all this, I just wish that everything goes smoothly today, do not trust that Barcelona is already in the final, because with a team like Real Madrid ahead, do not rely ever, and if there is a team that can stand up to the Catalan side with the weapons they want, this is Madrid, but I ask is that no foul play, there is no theater, no controversial, both inside and outside the grass, and that whoever wins, supporters of the losing team to congratulate the winners without any bitterness and anger, let us not forget that this is a show, and that we must try to care and bet on him and not go for the traps and to win at all costs the way it is. I still think that if this man was not on the bench for Real Madrid, we enjoyed more of these parties, which would stress as forever, but it sure would not have reached the limits to which they have arrived, and who won won, had been enjoying fighting that should be examples to all.

For all this I'll finish by saying simply ...!! Viva FOOTBALL!


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