Friday, October 15, 2010

Uti Brownish Discharge

Great news from our

Basque History, the authors were able to combine a deep and thorough study of Basque history with a lively style of writing, giving rise to a lively book of great interest.

The tempting to correct the word. Basque History, written by Jorge Beramendi in collaboration with Peter and Mike Ezkerro Beramendi is a book that reviews intelligently and dynamically extended life of the Basque people, from prehistoric background to the contemporary period. Along the way, the authors focus on issues of great interest as the true relationship between Celtic and Basque people, the Carlist wars, the Franco regime and the political process in Euskadi, among others. The book includes an appendix of maps and documents of high quality. Jorge

Beramendi / Pedro Beramendi / Mike Ezkerro: Basque History. -1st ed.

Buenos Aires: Argentina Basque Foundation Juan de Garay, 2009. 240 p., 23 x 16 cm.

The book is available for purchase or reference in the Basque Foundation Library Argentina Juan de Garay.


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