Monday, October 25, 2010

Reactants And Products During Baking

in Argentina and has 14,000 new names

this week from the book
Basque Humor Garaycochea
Carlos had the opportunity at the Foundation to meet the friend Luis del Popolo, a connoisseur of the vast and interesting world of comics in Argentina. Luis told us that during the decades of 30 and 40, in the popular magazine Leoplán
, created by René González Fossat. Thanks to the polymorphic hand of technology, Luis was able to send three strips published in the Through humor, maybe a little innocent to the present day, "the strip represented many of the features associated with the figure of the Basque existed in the social imaginary of the time. It is conceivable that this process of stereotype construction was not applied only on the Basque community, but stereotypes built on almost all new players of Buenos Aires, which came both from outside the country and interior. This process of stereotyping, of course, continues to work on the younger communities, which, like Japan, they settled in the country since the early decades of the twentieth century and continue contributing to the growth of the country.


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