Friday, May 22, 2009

How To Not Get An Erection In A Sauna

Among other things

Actually I have no free time in the last few months I run a lot and break little, but still, do not deprive me of things I like.
In recent days, I was invited to a reunion ASAES that it is??, I hasten to good deeds, but I hope that everything works well; ASAES is the association of salvadorenios and friends of El Salvador in France, have been invited to join the association as a board member.
She has been around for several Anios but has been very little active, a policy change and new projects have been part of the agenda, you do not know how to contribute, but it is a project that motivates much, possibly long-term but with a future.
Contrary to what I think is more compatriots here than I imagined, but to be frank, when summoned to the house of latin america, very easily be counted as the flow is minimal, which I find very sad.
In a country like this, being together helps a lot, the salvadorenios still have a long road ahead in terms of organization and mutual aid!
I started working in the construction of the association's Web site, I hope to contribute at least that, and I say, go work there, and I'll tell what will happen with the association;)

How To Increase Battle Limit In Mount And Blade

Mont Saint Michel

I have little time to devote to my blog, I have taken this weeekend to write a little. One of my latest data
exits before starting on my second job, I made the well-known and spectacular Mont Saint Michel is a French commune of the Manche department in the region of Lower Normandy. Situated on a rocky promontory at the mouth of the Couesnon River, takes its name from the abbey dedicated to the worship of Saint Michel Archangel (San Miguel) and whose name in Latin during the Middle Ages "in Mons Sancti Michaeli pericula mari."
This island is also the nature center, in the absence of being the geographical center of the village of Mont Saint-Michel, which belongs to the canton of Pontorson, in the French department of Manche.
The prodigious architecture of Mont Saint-Michel and its bay make it the most visited tourist site in Normandy and one of the first in France, with some 3,200,000 visitors each year. A statue of San Miguel placed at the top of the abbey church stands 170 meters above the shore.
The many buildings on the site are classified individually as landmarks (the parish church since 1909, for example) or enrolled in the supplementary inventory of historical monuments.
Historical monument in 1862, the Mont Saint Michel figure since 1979 in the World Heritage List of Unesco.
I was told that the tide rises anio twice and is a very impresonante espectacle, when I went down was , but equally impressive during the day or night .
Following the route went through the well-known port of Saint Malo (Saent-Malo, and Sant-Malou Gallo in Breton) is a municipality in metropolitan France, located in the region of Brittany in the department of Ille et Vilaine, where is a sub-prefecture.
seaside resort known for its walled city and its relationship with the sea, the city is one of the most visited in Britain and attracts nearly 200,000 tourists during the summer. Fruit of a rich maritime history, is a major port (recreation, fisheries, trade and travelers) and an economic center. Its historic center is unique in being completely walled circular in shape, with a building dating from the thirteenth century.
really worth the trip, are beautiful places, be extremely expensive tourist.
not tell them the final bill to the tube!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Toshiba Satellite L455d-s5976, Drivers

covers Live!

said than done! Vengo
arriving, I spent a weekend in Barcelona and I had a great time!
I killed, but worth it, I was finally able to visit the wonderful creations of Gaudi and delight in those famous tapas bars.
The route was difficult to decide, as there is much more to visit and 3 days is not much, but I decided for the production of Gaudi, and gastronomic tours.
I decided to buy a weekend package, exposing very nice to have surprises, but I took the risk.
What luck, I chose the hotel had 15 floors and I i was at 12, imagine the view you had, Barcelona at 360 °, so I avoid going to the Montjuic, to appreciate the view of the city.
estubo genial, I visited the house Battlo, the Casa Mila known as La Pedrera, the Sagrada Familia , the gothic quarter, Rambla and Parc Guell .
For those traveling to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bI recommend these places know very nice!
The Gothic Quarter, very nice, there are thousands of shops, with thousands of things to buy, a very nice pedestrian streets and above all a very relaxing ride in the heart of the city.
The Rampla, has its character, there are souvenir shops, artists, many, many restaurants, paella and tapas , and at the end of the ride colomb the lookout, just opposite the port of Barcelona.
I had fun, mostly because I was fascinated Barcelona is a lively, very lively, where there are always people coming and going, practically no rest, fortunately I'm not fans of the ship, but had left my paycheck at the store Memories!
For Certainly there are a few tapas restaurants they are very good, followed with the famous sangria ............ a delight!
aaahhhh and above all, they all speak espaniol !!!!! and Catalan.
was like being at home:)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Victoria Sponge Recipe


Finishing my short holiday week, I decided to visit my blog (I say ironically because I have almost no time to write as before:)), it does not really were as holiday, as if by magic, I got a sinus infection, the last day of work, so I've spent on medication and avoiding going out, because the cold is sickly now.
Besides that I had to re-categorize my documents and make tri all that, which takes time, but it was mandatory, because he was a holy mess of things and with this in my dossier preparation for school, I had to look to the last cartoon that I serve to attach the rest .
Word, uta!! with the French bureaucracy, now that I have had to go round and doing paperwork and documents from more and more know how the state system, uta, but I pulled her hair, you know as things so small, everything is complicated and it becomes impossible and unfeasible, or as good comprehension ability of someone, everything becomes possible and accessible, an ambiguity that has cost me to digest in the last days. Today
looking for information on the famous Additional santé, or insurance that allows for what is spent on medicines and hospital activities, complementary to national security system, I found that he had to fill out forms, which reminded me of those who give to the collection of the Australian visa, almost brochure the thing .............
That coupled with the academic rigor forms given to all, sow, you spend reading it, finding out and seeking the aid puchicas to fill, and some are not so digestible, honestly, it so wave cucumber!
Besides this the job search, too, by the way someone told me that it looked more like a play, where one is the actor ppal, and you have to believe all world that we are the best and do it all, to get a fucking job, arrrrrrrgggggg ............!!!!!!!
no longer even know what to put in mangos cv, or letters of motivation, sometimes I have the impression of writing great novels, indeed rather hypocritical to say that classified papers, is the ultimate in the world, as would the guanacos, which do not annoy me!!
In order to lower the stress, I decided to spend an evening at the famous Nix Nox, one of such famous ships in the Seine that serve as venues for receptions, restaurants or theaters simple.
already told me about this boat , but did not know him, that unlike the other does not come out to give the little spin on the river, is anchored, but still, I kept moving with the movement of water, there are some who are rather stable, like the one I had lunch for Valentine's Day, because if There was a brave who invited me to lunch, it was a brunch cruise and is very nice, eat and walk by the Seine, can appreciate the countless architectural monuments found along the promenade.
But back to the evening, I had fun, danced, ate, and I lost, as is my custom, the camera rolls for the evening and go to see things things!
Best of all, to see how the camera is released from stress, no one pays anyone, go and fun, and I better not mess with nobody, that is all happening in perfect harmony and peace, believe me that takes some getting used to it ....!!!
I am planning a weekend in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbut I have not balanced the books, let's see if I can go euro gift:)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Protein Shop Singapore

still alive ........ The Queen

I forgot to check my blog, I see that even my faithful readers are wondering happened to me??
To be honest, I've been busy and still be fine, I'm running to and fro, here and the time flies, really do not see it happen!
But today I decided to write a little, then take the opportunity to tell a little about what has become of my experiences in the past months ...... at least try;)
First, I'm looking for a second job, the truth is not easy, and with a set schedule, it is not easy to find one that fits the first and to supplement the financial need that I have, the search has become a torture me, by the time I need to find and send the CVs, and the anguish caused by not knowing how he makes at the end of the month to pay everything I owe.
Seeing him on the positive side, I dramatically improved my physical figure (several kilos less), change of wardrobe, and look (a bit forced, because nothing I was!).
Then the search for a suitable, yet to encounter, and by the end of 2009, entering a school of architecture enroll in a master (I'm currently working folder with all my college) I know I'm pushing hard, but either is now or ever !!!!!
All that, mixed with fatigue, and Sunday departures deserved, for I have greatly reduced my free time in front of the computer.
Suffice it to say that my computer screen died, so I survive with my laptop, which still can not get used.
In my small outputs, I can confess that I have become gastronomic taster (from restaurant to restaurant), and so I found some very good restaurants that will make any mouth water!
recently visited one specializing in salmon, or tell them that good estaban las ensaladas hechas con salmon crudo, una delicia!!
Hoy aproveché para conocer el museo de cluny , hace ratos queria ir, me invitaron a un concierto de musica medieval, la verdad no me arrepiento de haber ido, el lugar es muy bonito y el concierto estubo muy interesante.
La semana comienza, y de nuevo a las carreras, en los ultimos dias ha nevado, palabra que ese frio lo odio, cala hasta los huesos!!
Espero que el tiempo mejore, porqué sino me quedaré en los huesos, ya que calorias no me quedan en el cuerpo.