Friday, January 28, 2011

What Happens If You Sallow Scope

Book Fair Seminar Basques in the U.S.

On TV, you can see them captivate the eyes of young and beautiful actors, interspersed in difficult and uncomfortable situaciones de telenovela. Son los galanes , eternos pilares sobre los que reposan diariamente los suspiros de miles de mujeres argentinas. Facundo Arana, Pablo Echarri y Mike Amigorena son tres de los mejores exponentes de la generación de galanes en vigencia. No sólo su carisma y empatía con el sexo opuesto los congrega. Los tres relucen entre sus orígenes su ascendencia vasca. El significado del apellido Arana es El valle ; Echarri significa Casa de piedra y Amigorena,
La del amigo
Les dejamos una breve reseña de cada uno para poder conocer un poco mejor a estos tres auténticos galanes de estirpe vasca.

Pablo Echarri born in 1969 and excelled as an actor in novels. Achieved on local television devoted to the novel
, starring alongside Celeste Cid. In addition to passing through the small screen, she starred in several films, including Silver
Jorge Facundo Arana Tagle was born in 1972. Since 1993, participated in small roles in television actor to become successful as novels
Muñeca Brava in 1999. The film and theater as his charisma had seized and taken to harvest numerous awards, including several statues of Martin Fierro.

Mike Amigorena, Ricardo Luis, reads his paper-was born in Maipú, Mendoza, in 1972. Besides having musical whole, Ambulance
, starring roles in television as

The successful Pells. While the surname is of Navarra, recorded the arrival of Jose Francisco Amigorena and Ansorena Passage of San Pedro in Guipúzcoa, born in 1737, settled in Mendoza and was an effective commander of border peace concluded with the Indians in 1794, treaty that lasted until 1829.


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