Friday, January 28, 2011

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Book Fair Seminar Basques in the U.S.

On TV, you can see them captivate the eyes of young and beautiful actors, interspersed in difficult and uncomfortable situaciones de telenovela. Son los galanes , eternos pilares sobre los que reposan diariamente los suspiros de miles de mujeres argentinas. Facundo Arana, Pablo Echarri y Mike Amigorena son tres de los mejores exponentes de la generación de galanes en vigencia. No sólo su carisma y empatía con el sexo opuesto los congrega. Los tres relucen entre sus orígenes su ascendencia vasca. El significado del apellido Arana es El valle ; Echarri significa Casa de piedra y Amigorena,
La del amigo
Les dejamos una breve reseña de cada uno para poder conocer un poco mejor a estos tres auténticos galanes de estirpe vasca.

Pablo Echarri born in 1969 and excelled as an actor in novels. Achieved on local television devoted to the novel
, starring alongside Celeste Cid. In addition to passing through the small screen, she starred in several films, including Silver
Jorge Facundo Arana Tagle was born in 1972. Since 1993, participated in small roles in television actor to become successful as novels
Muñeca Brava in 1999. The film and theater as his charisma had seized and taken to harvest numerous awards, including several statues of Martin Fierro.

Mike Amigorena, Ricardo Luis, reads his paper-was born in Maipú, Mendoza, in 1972. Besides having musical whole, Ambulance
, starring roles in television as

The successful Pells. While the surname is of Navarra, recorded the arrival of Jose Francisco Amigorena and Ansorena Passage of San Pedro in Guipúzcoa, born in 1737, settled in Mendoza and was an effective commander of border peace concluded with the Indians in 1794, treaty that lasted until 1829.

Friday, January 21, 2011

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Argentine Galanes

Your last name is of Basque origin? Do you know the story of his family? The new book of the Foundation has a long list of Basque surnames present in Argentina that have not yet been developed.
We invite me to seek your name on our list and send in the history of their ancestors since they arrived in the country, its history will enhance the new book published by the Foundation with more than 14,000 new names entered. There is time until April 1 to send the family stories. Click here to download the full list of surnames
Click here to download the guide for guidance in developing the family history

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Surname in search of a story

By Jorge Beramendi

has been identified as the head that kept a French retired 84 years home in 2008 for the Basque King Henry III of Navarre. A team of 19 specialists coordinated by Philippe Charlier coroner produced this result.
head lurched from that in 1793 Henry III's body was taken from his tomb in the basilica of Saint Denis (St. Denis) during the French Revolution. The earl owned a German in the nineteenth century and French antiques in the twentieth century. Henry III King of Navarre was embalmed and preserved so skin and hair. Remember that Basque is the second king of the Bourbon dynasty, which came to be after 1588 in Henry IV of France, replacing of his late brother and regained the throne of France for the kings Basques. The Bourbon dynasty kings gave to France which led to a period of greatness and splendor. These kings of two monarchies received a double titulatura, the Sun King Louis XIV of France Louis III of Navarre ... If today we visited his palace at Versailles bed has two shields, that of France and Navarre.

In the Middle Ages Queen Juana I of Navarra Basque ascended the throne in 1284 with her husband Philip I. The following year death of his father King Philip III of France, the marriage of the kings of Navarre also went to the French throne. The husband took the name of Philip IV of France and his reign was one of those who left deep signs. Expelled the Jews of France, dominated the papacy established its headquarters in France, Avignon and sentenced to death than the Knights Templar Jacques de Molay and suppressed the order. The curse of the damned down over the cursed descendants became kings. The Basques were separated from France to enthrone Queen Joanna II while the French followed by a secondary male line of kings.

With Henry III of Navarre, the tenth grandchild of Queen Joanna I, the first queen who reigned in France, Basque, Basque monarchy regained the throne of France. Although he was much loved by the people in 1610, was assassinated. He was succeeded by his son Louis XIII of France (II of Navarre) and this Louis XIV (III of Navarre) and This great-grandson of Louis XV (IV of Navarre) and the grandson of that Louis XVI (V of Navarre) French Revolution cut off his head to it and defiled the remains of the kings of France that housed the Basilica of Saint Denis. That followed the misadventures of the embalmed corpse of Henry IV of France, culminating on December 15, 2010 when it issued the investigative commission head is recovered, separated from the body. This king was very gallant and seduced many women at the time and now his head is a balding, with bad teeth, with some black hairs, some red and other Americans. Thus passes the glory. In 2011, the head is buried in the basilica of Saint Denis after a mass funeral.

We agree that the Basques have heads persistent, very hard to make the time destroy them.