Thursday, March 31, 2011

Merilyn Sakova Play Bowling

Why you should read Beleth Tales?

occasion output Beleth Tales 3 we decided to venture through various blogs and ask their owners fans of the series, why would read tales Beleth 3 and why they liked the series. This is what we have replied:

If Beleth recommend is primarily because it is a story that mixes classic elements we all know with a story that knows itself to be original. How many times have we seen stories with princes, maidens, dragons ... and electricity? Javier Ruescas wasted imagination in his first novel, achieving a different story and that stands alone. And the best part is that everything points to its sequels are even better

The q ue I like to CBD, apart from the star - not the typical cowardly - is the way it turns Ruescas our folk tales and the combination of ideas - such as introducing light bulbs in a world of medieval atmosphere. And I'm looking forward to reading your final!

Beleth Tales is a fantasy trilogy that not only shines with its original plot, but it makes the journey to Beleth reader and is a participant in the adventures of a brave prince and a young warrior. Might be reading this adventure again and again without tiring.

"Tales Beleth is to return to the bosom of his grandfather in the XXI century. It is a story with all the magic of children's fables, but with characters and a current account. Javier Ruescas is a young youth and write what you like and we like to read. "

Beleth Tales I like simply because the return to the topic and moving away from them: there is a princess, a prince .. . but with an attitude that moves away from what people have preset. That love between different classes. Electricity (oh yeah!). These turns of the helm, these supporting characters, those moments of tension, the urge to not stop reading (which few books get) and do not know ... just like me, caught me in an instant, and why not initially caught my attention:)

Javier Ruescas been achieved, so young as to publish a trilogy very nearly complete, which it deserves, already, my respect. And if you get these books engage the reader with a quick script and a story well spun, what you'll say. Tales of Beleth mixture of current fantasy magic of classic stories. If you have not given an opportunity, for whatever reason, you have to do this, you will not regret. And if on the contrary if you have done, you will be as eager to its third and last part as I do.

"I like Stories of Beleth because it has magic. It is a saga that oozes magic on all sides: the characters, the way it is written, the setting, the plot ... Javier Ruescas knows how to give that magical touch that makes you spend entanglement and its pages as you leave invandir populated by your childhood stories. If you want to read a magical story, no doubt: this is your series. "

And José Antonio Cotroneo , author of Cycle Red Moon has dedicated this brief comment on the saga in which he tells us why read the third part of Beleth Tales:

For freshness, the classic tale aroma given off your
pages, their sense of adventure, rhythm, by the magic
contained in it. For Javier sports writing and that, in addition
be noted when one reads, is fundamental to the history
alive. But most of all to know how the saga ends!
