Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cervix Penetraton Vids

Basque Basques in the Vuelta de Obligado


Basque Foundation in Argentina Juan de Garay continue working hard in the book in Basque families
Argentina. Already edited more than three hundred stories of family received throughout the year. That is why, having advance work, we extend the date of receipt of new family histories until 1 March.

to families and their stories helped to make this book a true reflection of the effort and work done by our ancestors to build a better country. ;
Those interested in collaborating with the book, have no contact with the Foundation to an email ENVIN a:
recall that the initiative is no cost and aims to develop better and more complete testimony of our community in Argentina.
invite you to follow the progress of the book through the blog and visit our website to keep abreast of developments of the Foundation.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hello Please Hold Answering Meessage Mp3

Extends the date of receipt of family stories

On Thursday November 11 at the Centro Argentino de Ingenieros of the capital, there will be traditional Anniversary Dinner of the Institution which will distinguish who was the first president of the Foundation, clerk Aznarez Julio Jauregui, as well, the doctor and academic Dr. Paola Suarez Urtubey music and the young doctor Magdalena Goyheneix humanitarian path. Also handed out diplomas for the new members with more than a year old.

for dinner reservations can be made through
from our secretariat: 4328-6906/7910.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Sale Of Human Organs Pro Cons

dinner is coming from the Foundation, 2010 edition

That you are a north to create
The alternative You have my heart is still much to learn will budge In war we invented and should never be may not be another solution, Callar renouncing weapons is not To be a free people, to be a people more.

with Fermin Muguruza Reincidentes

By Julian Mileo

Punk emerged as musical and cultural movement in London and New York in the mid 70's. Bands exponents of this genre were Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Ramones, The Buzzcoks, The Damned and countless bands. From this he began to take shape, to come to the surface, a movement that was much more than just a style of music. Not only tried to play fast songs, distorted, and urgent, but also describe the dark lyrics and predictable scenario looming for an entire generation of youth. The countercultural aesthetic that was expressed through the clothes that they also used part of the identity of a movement and the rejection of existing trends.
The punk had its most politicized in London. Emerged as a cultural expression product of the great crisis that was subsumed in England and I had as a principal correlate a large unemployment, particularly youth sectors. For the young there was not much choice but to collect unemployment and try to survive with that. But many used the money to buy instruments, despite knowing barely touched. Cared little for not having the great musical skills of how it boasted the
rock dinosaurs, so called punks these idols millionaires who wanted to impose their mainstream
and so had little to do with the reality that played live. "Do it yourself"

was philosophy. "Do not expect anything from your idols, no one is more than you, nobody can do better than you." Punk opened the door for anyone who would like to express their discontent with society.
emerge in the Basque Country a similar but much more movement radicalized the London and New York. The Rock Radikal Basque (RRV) or Euskal Rock Erradikala emerged in the mid 80's and was the son of the London punk culture, but with its own characteristics. The economic and political scene in Euskal Herria had its similarities with English and also their own peculiarities: economic and political crisis which resulted in a large mass of unemployed as a result of industrial restructuring of the 80, and the creation by the government English North Special Area Plan and the Anti-Terrorist Liberation Groups, with the excuse of facing the ETA, came to the methods of state terrorism against the whole population by vigilante groups. In this context arise a lot of bands that would spokeswoman youth disaffection: La Polla Records, Kortatu, Barrick, Eskobar, Scar, vomiting, Tijuana in Blue are among the most outstanding. The label includes dozens of these bands emerged in 1983 with Goñi Marino (founder of independent record companies and Oihuka Sonu) and José Maria Blanco (former manager of La Polla Records), after a festival against Spain's accession to NATO . The musical style of these bands ranged from rock, punk, ska and reggae, all styles served basis for a strong critique of the state, the Church, the Monarchy and the Army. All of these groups recorded on small labels and had their own concert tours.
While Basque Radical Rock label was used to cover an entire cultural movement that was far from homogeneous. On the contrary, lived different positions on what was of Basque identity and on the inside or outside the movement. The nihilistic stance around the Basques came from the band Eskobar, although it was a position taken with over the years. His second album, had a song called: "ETA" and denouncing the hypocrisy of the English media to call a terrorist organization, while the working class were subsumed in the unemployment and marginalization. The subject was censored and the band members arrested in the Madrid airport, applying anti-terrorism law for the content of their songs. Later reneged on the label
a trick, considering trading stamps and not wanting to enroll in any political movement, but also influenced by the limited support they received amnesty organizations when they were prisoners.

La Polla Records would become one of the flagship bands of Basque Rock. Played in some festivals in support of political prisoners and some of his songs denouncing the manipulation of the media about what happened in Euskadi and the caricature that was made of the Basques in the press and television (
The Basques are racist / Basques are terrorists / and even though their language does not exist / the Basques speak Basque / The Basques teach hatred to everything that is not Basque / Basque snack the children have horns and tail and ). La Polla Records is a band that crosses all borders and their debut album sold 1,000,000 copies.
The band more engaged politically, and that would be made head of the movement was Kortatu. With strong influences from The Clash

the most politicized band London punk - the group introduced the rhythms of reggae and dub in the Basque Country
. At first his letters were written in Castilian, but gradually were incorporated Euskera to the totality of all their songs. Always showed sympathy to the left aberzale and in one of his most famous songs ("Sarri Sarri"), tells how a rock festival in a prison run away two prisoners of the ETA hidden inside the speakers. The Kortartu were charged with preparing the flight and banned from returning to play in prisons. In 1988 split and its leader, Fermin Muguruza, along with his brother as the band Negu Gorriak (winters). The band fused rock, rap and reggae with traditional Basque music and the songs were sung in Euskara. Founded his own label and go on tour to other countries having a strong impact in Latin America, incorporating various Latin rhythms in their songs. Fermin Muguruza can say is the most important exponent of art that has given the claim of Basque autonomy. Muguruza could not learn Euskera as a boy because that language was outlawed by the Franco dictatorship in schools, but I learned while integrating Kortatu and was taken as an essential part of their music. Today, Fermin Muguruza performed as a soloist and recently released an album called Euskal Herria Jamaica Clash album that was recorded in Jamaica and who played Basques and Jamaican musicians. The concept of the album refers to the clash of cultures and different music from countries that fought and are fighting for their independence.

Rock Radikal
The Basque was a movement which realized the anger of an entire generation, feel anger not only condemned the economic, social exclusion and drugs, but also for wanting to deny its own history and identity. A movement that was so important as to what cultural influenced a lot of bands that continue to emerge in the Iberian Peninsula.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Transporter Car For Gta Sa

Rock, Radikal and especially the Basque! Family Book Basque

Basque family in Argentina, the book where the Foundation is working hard, and has 14,000 new Basque surnames, creating one of the genealogical records in the country.
Moreover, since we receive hundreds of new Basque family stories, which are being reviewed and corrected to achieve a unique document of great value to the Basque community in Argentina and for the country Basque same. reminder that stories continue to receive until 31 December, after this date will enter the Webmail stages of editing the book and hope that by June 2011 and may be in bookstores this great collective project.