Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Duck Tamagotchi For Symbian

A Basque regains his head hard head

be held on Thursday 16 traditional Christmas carols, arranged by the Ladies Committee of Cultural and Welfare Association Euskal Echea and Celebrations Committee of this institution.
The appointment is at 20 am in the Home San Benito, Villanueva 955, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Connecting A Sound Blaster Audigy Se

On Thursday, in anticipation of the Christmas carols

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Basque Summer University 2011

invite the third embodiment of the Basque Summer University will offer a program of study "Introduction to knowledge Basque people "in the College Street Euskal Echea Sarandi 735 of the Federal Capital. Covers geography, history, language, literature, architecture, economics, etc. the Basque people. It is composed of courses, lectures, musical concert and other activities of compulsory and optional. Have classes in the morning (from 9 to 13 am) and afternoon ( 15 to 18 h.), 1 to February 11, 2011. The cost is $ 100.
This activity is supported by the Basque Foundation Juan de Garay Argentina offers its library and its facilities to complement the program.
To approve this program and receive a diploma must meet the attendance requirement and deliver a paper before the end, which should be exposed to UVV members for approval. Diploma is also given: "Career and culture of the Basque people."
also optionally can attend one day to a realization of Basque cuisine with tasting at the restaurant Guernica in the neighborhood of San Telmo, with an additional $ 100.

Registration closes on December 17, 2010 and so will face 10 to 12 and 14 to 16 hours in 735 Sarandi Buenos Aires. Please visit the site of activity for details:


Contact: Vanina Possidente, Tel: 4308-5401 to 5403 int. 24.

Elk Skin Slippers Guelph

opens registration for courses at the University Summer 2011

To understand a little better our brand new national holiday, and why not take a little love, "Jorge Beramendi us about a note on the Basque role in dealing with the Anglo-French fleet, which then feed into the peace treaty signed by Rosas. Basque prominence in the Vuelta de Obligado


On two occasions the attackers landed and took 21 of the 30 guns Argentine paths sometimes being repulsed by the gauchos. The foreign fleet continued to land a second time, broke the chains that blocked the passage of the Paraná River, but had to repair damage suffered in the aisles.

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In summary, intervened in the conflict, the Basque surnames Urraca, Alzogaray, Echagüe, Virasoro, Arana and Urquiza.