Monday, March 9, 2009

Toshiba Satellite L455d-s5976, Drivers

covers Live!

said than done! Vengo
arriving, I spent a weekend in Barcelona and I had a great time!
I killed, but worth it, I was finally able to visit the wonderful creations of Gaudi and delight in those famous tapas bars.
The route was difficult to decide, as there is much more to visit and 3 days is not much, but I decided for the production of Gaudi, and gastronomic tours.
I decided to buy a weekend package, exposing very nice to have surprises, but I took the risk.
What luck, I chose the hotel had 15 floors and I i was at 12, imagine the view you had, Barcelona at 360 °, so I avoid going to the Montjuic, to appreciate the view of the city.
estubo genial, I visited the house Battlo, the Casa Mila known as La Pedrera, the Sagrada Familia , the gothic quarter, Rambla and Parc Guell .
For those traveling to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bI recommend these places know very nice!
The Gothic Quarter, very nice, there are thousands of shops, with thousands of things to buy, a very nice pedestrian streets and above all a very relaxing ride in the heart of the city.
The Rampla, has its character, there are souvenir shops, artists, many, many restaurants, paella and tapas , and at the end of the ride colomb the lookout, just opposite the port of Barcelona.
I had fun, mostly because I was fascinated Barcelona is a lively, very lively, where there are always people coming and going, practically no rest, fortunately I'm not fans of the ship, but had left my paycheck at the store Memories!
For Certainly there are a few tapas restaurants they are very good, followed with the famous sangria ............ a delight!
aaahhhh and above all, they all speak espaniol !!!!! and Catalan.
was like being at home:)